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Shelby Conneely
Location: Millspaugh Furniture
Title: ”Untitled"
Materials: acrylic paint, white rope
Artist Statement: The circular shape made me want to create a Yin/Yang affect with light and dark colors. I wanted the open spaces covered and found some extra white rope in the garage left over from the tire swing to weave throughout the piece. I tried to let the process guide me as opposed to overthinking what the finished piece should ultimately look like. I learned to have faith in the process, use materials that I see in my environment and enjoy!
Bio: Artist, Shelby Conneely, works in acrylics and mixed media. Shelby studied fine arts at Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University and received a BFA. She was a participating artist in the Mannequin Project (2006) Warwick Summer Arts Festival, Warwick, NY.
Shelby also studied behavioral disorders at Columbia University where she received an MA in Special Education. She balances her professional career performing educational evaluations for individuals with autism
and her studio time.
She lives in the Hudson Valley with her husband and two daughters.
Also at this location Karen Decher
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